Amon Carter Riverside High School is a neo-classical building in the historic Riverside neighborhood of Fort Worth, Texas; originally built in 1936. The character defining wood windows in this building were boarded up, and vinyl-window sash was added in 1981 when the school added air conditioners. During a later renovation of the school, 2020, the Riverside community urged the school to restore the original wood windows on the front facade.
Working collaboratively with General Contractor, Byrne/Potere and Glenn Partners Architects, Hull Millwork restored the 85-year-old original wood, double hung windows, which, upon Hull Millwork's close inspection, were in very good shape. All the vinyl window sash was removed and discarded.
Hull Millwork replicated new arched-top sash and restored the rest, including abating, sanding, and re-painting the old window sash and frames. Hull added new weatherstripping and window film for energy efficiency. Seventy-five windows in all were restored, which pleases both the school and its Riverside neighbors.
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